The Feminine Workplace

A methodology and curriculum to create more engagement in your workplace for both men and women.


Masculine or Feminine?

Although traditionally masculine traits are often seen as the key to climbing the corporate ladder, it is clear that an exclusively masculine working style is less effective than a blended approach.


The Research

A 2011 study conducted at Stanford examined feminine and masculine traits in male and female employees and compared these traits to their rates of promotion compared to their peers.

The results were surprising: “feminine” men got 2 times the promotions of their traditionally "masculine" peers.

Those workers able to blend feminine and masculine traits in the workplace tend to excel beyond their peers.


Our Approach

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Our methodology teaches brands how to quantify, measure and grow an emotional connection, both internally and with the consumer.


By integrating the feminine with your employees and customers, you will naturally impact their engagement.


“They do lead in different ways, I don’t think we need more female leaders, we need more leaders that act like females and women are better at that.  We have falsely believed that leadership is about aggression and decisiveness which are traditionally male attributes, but true leadership includes things like empathy, patience, caring, which are traditionally female characteristics so you need a balance of both, but I think that the great thing is we live in a day and age where women don’t have to pretend to be like men, they can be feminine and be leaders and I love that.”

- Simon Sinek


“A big misconception about managing compassionately is that it’s a “soft” skill. Most compassionate people I know are typically the strongest.”

- Jeff Weiner